Nobahar Design Milano

Nobahar Design Milano logo-BlackHR

Be Different

Nobahar Design Milano logo-BlackHR

Be Different

Designer's Interview

Women Jewellery Designers in Milan by VO+

At Nobahar Design Milano, we believe that jewelry and design should be both beautiful and meaningful. That’s why we create unconventional pieces that combine innovation and tradition in unexpected ways. From our sustainable materials to our playful colors and designs, everything we create is designed to bring joy and happiness into people’s everyday lives.

Our process is all about mix and match. We take inspiration from a variety of sources, from nature to architecture to culture, and blend them together in unique and unexpected ways. Each piece is carefully designed with the utmost attention to detail, using only the finest materials and techniques.

But don’t just take our word for it. Our pieces have been featured in over 35 exhibitions across Europe and the Middle East, including Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Brussels, and Iran. We’ve also received numerous awards and mentions in international contests since 2017.

Nobahar Design Milano

Nobahar Design Milano takes inspiration from the Persian background and its meaning of “New Spring,” symbolizing new beginnings and a rebirth. The brand is founded on the same philosophy of giving birth to new ideas, with each design concept crafted to embody this notion.

Nobahar Design Milano specializes in unconventional and thoughtful contemporary jewelry and design pieces that combine innovation and tradition through a mix-and-match approach.


The brand is dedicated to creating sustainable conceptual pieces that bring joy and happiness into people’s everyday lives. With playful colors and designs, the pieces celebrate living life to the fullest in a meaningful way.

The brand’s commitment to sustainability is evident in all aspects of the production process, from design to distribution. Nobahar Design Milano creates waste-free pieces with energy-efficient manufacturing processes and uses innovative technologies for “made-to-order” production. It also employs manual and traditional production methods in conjunction with additive manufacturing techniques.

The coloration process uses natural dyes or ecological acrylic colors, making each design piece unique and personalized. The same philosophy applies to the packaging, which is made with recyclable materials sourced entirely from Italy.

Nobahar Design Milano is more than just a brand; it is a reminder to live a vibrant and meaningful life sustainably and responsibly. The pieces aim to inspire and connect people through the compelling stories they tell. The brand’s unconventional approach has been recognized with awards and invitations to participate in over 36 exhibitions across Europe and the Middle East, including Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Belgium, and Iran.  The pieces have been also showcased at international fashion weeks such as Milan, Paris, and Berlin.

Awards & Mentions

Sogand Nobahar - Florence Biennale - LOGO

2023 October

"MyCity Bloody Tehran" collection has received an special award as a representative of all the women designers and artists of Woman Life Freedom .

2023 March

"MyCity Bloody Tehran, Achievement" design was selected for the prestigious "REVOLUTION" call organized by SNAG, earning its place among the top 55 designs chosen out of 230 submissions.

Sogand Nobahar Gioiello infermento - LOGO

2019, 2020, 2021, 2022

Since 2019, Nobahar Design Milano has been continuously selected for the "Gioiello in Fermento" contest.

Sogand Nobahar Milano jewelry week - LOGO

2019 October

Nobahar Design Milano's CinCin brooch, created to celebrate quality moments shared between loved ones, was selected for the prestigious Avanguardia Wunderkammer contest during Milano Jewelry Week 2019.

Sogand Nobahar - london international creative competition - LOGO

2019 May

The "The Rebirth Of Lotus" cuff, a limited edition design by Nobahar Design Milano, dedicated to raising awareness about violence against women, has among the mentioned designs at the London International Creative Competition 2018.

Sogand Nobahar Muse del bijoux - LOGO

2018 November

Nobahar Design Milano's "BĀZAR" collection, which is inspired by the intricate architecture of bazaar's ceilings in Iran, has received an award at the Bijoux Museum in Italy. This limited edition collection is comprised of 32 unique pieces that are dedicated to the anniversary of the Bijoux Museum.

2017 October

The "Fluidity Is the Way To Life" brooch by Nobahar Design Milano is a limited edition piece that won third prize at the "Venice Design Week: Water, Fluidity, and Transparency" international contest in Italy. With 409 pieces in total, this design is inspired by the historical bridges of Venice, paying homage to the city's rich cultural heritage.

Sogand Nobahar - un gioiello per la vita - LOGO

2017 March

Nobahar Design Milano's first limited edition piece, "The Rebirth Of Lotus" cuff, is a design that symbolizes the fight against violence towards women. This unique piece won first prize at the "A Jewel For Life" international contest held in Italy. With a limited edition of 220 pieces, the design is dedicated to the great empire of Achamenid.


Bianca-cappello x Nobahar Design Milano

Bianca Cappello, Jewelry historian & Critic

Sogand Nobahar moves furthur away from traditional goldsmith techniques and explores, in a fresh way, additive manufacturing scenarios with which she realize her MyCity collection. In where jewels are shaped like the tallest tower of her city, Tehran, re-elaborated in an abstract key. Using the same idea she also crafts other typical symbols of the old Persian tradition as seen in her "The Rebirth Of Lotus" cuff, where the section of the lotus flower become a bracelet symbolizing importance and dignity of women, as well as their fragile status. In "My Little Persia" collection Sogand looks into the complexity and preciousness of Persian tapestry artwork, creating herself small fragments, and placing them in 3D frames as wearable masterpieces. From the book Splendida Persia, Visioni Nel Gioiello

GIULIA-FUCILE X Nobahar Design Milano

Giulia Fucile, Fashion Editor OB-Fashion

Nobahar Design Milano è un brand davvero interessante. Eclettico, originale, esclusivo proprio come la mente che l’ha progettato. Sogand Nobahar, la sua fondatrice, non si può infatti descrivere con una manciata di parole né inquadrare in termini predefiniti o convenzionali etichette. Lei è una brava designer ma anche un’artista, una maker, una ricercatrice, un ingegnere: una donna dalle mille potenzialità e dalle mille sfumature, come i suoi gioielli. Pezzi unici che vestono il corpo di un’eleganza diversa.

Francesca Interlenghi, Fashion Editor, Professor, Performer

E' stato amore a prima vista con i gioielli di Nobahar Design: anticonvenzionali e contemporanei, alla moda ma accessibili, rispecchiano esattamente il mio modo di interpretare e indossare gli accessori. Abilissima nel combinare tradizione con innovazione, la designer Sogand sa rendere affascinanti tutte le sue creazioni custodendo in ognuna di esse un racconto, suggestivo e poetico, nel quale ogni donna può riconoscersi e riscoprirsi. Il suo lavoro è sintesi felice di maestria artigianale e ispirazione artistica, unisce un design moderno e sofisticato con certi dettagli che riprendono i valori del passato ed esaltandoli esaltano la storia. Versatili e funzionali, i suoi gioielli sembrano essere un inno alla libertà creativa. Come a dire: sii chiunque tu voglia essere! Senza condizionamenti, senza costrizioni, nemmeno estetiche.

Nogol Zahabi-Architect-architectureinfashion

Nogol Zahabi, Architect & Founder of architectureinfashion platform

Every customer who had Nobahar Design Milano pieces told me that they can’t stop wearing the jewelry. They feel Nobahar Design Milano, complete every outfit and I can’t agree more. Once you wear it, you can’t have it off! Not only the design and the quality is perfect but also the comfort and the service the designer provide for each of her client. At the end I would like to add that her packaging makes her design a perfect gift for any occasion.